While you’re at it, check out our new language learning database, Rosetta Stone. This database is an interactive program for learning Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Russian, or Spanish.
Chinese Magazines (Qikan)
200 current, popular Chinese language magazines published in China. Available in either traditional or simplified characters.
Clase PeriĆ³dica—index
Index to Latin American journals in the sciences and humanities covering the time period from 1975 to present.
Spanish language reference titles, periodicals, and more on a variety of topics.
Ethnic Newswatch
250 magazines and newspapers published in both English and Spanish covering the time period from 1960 to present from the U.S. ethnic and minority press.
Covers hundreds of popular Hispanic magazines from 1999 to present.
Russian Newspapers (East View)
Newspapers in Russian from official sources, independent media and partisan publications covering the time period 1980 to present.