SFPL has excellent online access to local news sources that include full runs of the San Francisco Chronicle and Examiner. Another valuable resource for local news research is the Bay Guardian, the SF-based alt-weekly that was published from 1966-2014.
A different, earlier usage of "click" (click on a flashlight)
The Library has the full run of the SFBG in microformat...
(remainder of the run is on microfiche in a different but co-located
cabinet) but perhaps the best way to experience the issues currently is
to view via the Internet Archive (IA). On IA, the issues are in glorious
color and one can also keyword search the content. One caveat (other
than the precarious situation with IA)
is that this resource is not listed in Periodical Finder, at least not in a
conventional way. However, links are available in the catalog records for the Bay Guardian microformat as seen here:
The first issue is available!
The last issue is, too!
But some issues have yet to be uploaded:
Note: there is some redundancy in uploads but there is an advantage to this...
Search interface on Internet Archive - able to search text content of issues:
able to search metadata (note: content uploaded by source "folio" are
the ones that seem to have the (very selective) metadata, so these
searches will be less than comprehensive in terms of the publication
you need any assistance with this resource, please contact us at the
Magazines and Newspapers Center, we'd be glad to help. In the meantime,
we heartily recommend browsing the timeless advice found in the "Ask
Isadora" column - so much easier to find them with the text search - and
also on theme!
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