Or how about this?

If you were able to recognize these set pieces from some of news items past, then you are probably a serious news junkie. It is a good bet that you would also enjoy visiting a new museum that recently opened in Washington D.C.
Opened on April 11, 2008, the Newseum is a museum dedicated to helping the general public understand and appreciate the history and current developments of news gathering.
The website also has a nifty section called "Today's Front Pages" where you can see the daily front page for 652 newspapers from 60 different countries.
So should you find yourself in our nation's capital and want to see the above fragments of the Berlin Wall or the Unabomber cabin*, the Newseum is the place to go.

*For a discussion about Ted Kaczynski's letter of protest to the US Court of Appeals regarding the Newseum's display of his cabin, follow this link to a recent segment on NPR's Talk of the Nation.
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